Monday, February 21, 2011


A question that permeates my mind daily - what will I do?

I graduate this December and I have no idea what I want to do. I actually feel a knot of tears welling in my throat as I sit in the coffee shop munching on a buttery toffee cookie. It scares me. Not knowing what I want, where I'll end up.

There might be an opportunity to live on the West Coast this summer. I am having difficulty choosing to live in same city as my boyfriend, or to pack up and move a million states away to do an internship that would give me in-depth experience in my field. Do I spend a summer with my love or do I spend a summer learning on the Coast?

When I graduate in December, I will most likely be moving to the city where my boyfriend lives. My boyfriend, M, and I have been doing the long-distance thing since May of 2010. And it's hard, especially since we spent the first couple of years of our relationship living together in our college town.

So either way, I will be living in the same city as M after graduation. I just don't know if I should spend the summer focusing on our relationship or focusing on my career.

And speaking of career...that - the whole job for life thing - really freaks me out. I have no idea what I want to do. Event planning? Coffee shop owner? Greeting card designer?

How did you decide? How did you know? How big of a leap should I take?

Advice is very welcome and will be entertained. All I can do now is pray.

[A picture of the Coliseum that my sister took on our vacation to Rome in 2009. Because the Coliseum is a sure thing and that comforts me.]


  1. I have had a draft of a post about the same thing going for a few week now. Unfortunately, I have zero answers, but I'm definitely worrying about the same stuff. Sometimes it helps me to remember that the career you pick doesn't have to be for life- and that maybe the journey will help you find what you want in the end? On the bright side, it sounds like either way you'll have a pretty good summer!

  2. I think yours and M's relationship is pretty solid. And I think he'll understand if you want to take some time to focus on your career. He loves you!
