Monday, September 5, 2011

Loooong & glorious weekend.

Hello! I'm recovering from a five day weekend.

Some highlights:

Cold beers with some girlfriends. Free tacos from the taco truck. The first football game of the season. Hitch-hiking with strangers. (And when one of my girlfriend and I hopped into the Jeep, Pearl Jam was playing. I was like: hitchhiking & 90's music: "Thank you for fulfilling my 1990's fantasies!") (Also I realize hitchhiking is ignorant. But it was still daylight, the street was covered in crowds from the game, and we were only in their roofless Jeep for less than a mile.) (Sorry for all of the parentheses.) Petting a kitten in my favorite bar. Snuggling up with my boyfriend and watching True Grit while eating Milano cookies. An afternoon walk in the historic district with my boyfriend. Realizing I stayed out until almost 4am three nights in a row, and thus, taking the longest nap in the universe.

I really need to start bringing my camera so I can have pictures for the ol' blog, but it is super bulky. Maybe I need a little point-and-shoot?

Hooray for a short week due to Labor Day! See you guys tomorrow.

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