Friday evening I went out for Thai and then to a local theatre to see "The Trip", a very hilariously dry British comedy. After the movie, M (I'll be calling my boyfriend 'M' now instead of 'boyfriend M') and I went to his brother's house, which is so far out in the country you can actually see the stars and hear coyotes. Meanwhile, my best friend ADP was spontaneously making the 4 hour drive to come visit. Cue total excitement.
So M and I are leaving to go meet ADP, and as I'm making a corner on one of the there-aren't-any-lights-for-miles gravel road, I drive into a ditch - briefly - and pop the crap out of my tire. (If you've been reading along, I've been having crummy car trouble, and for the record - that was my third flat tire in the month of July.) Cue total meltdown.
I'm cussing, yelling, hopping out of my car to check it, etc. Yeah, not going anywhere. Thankfully we were still very close to M's brother's house, so we managed to get it back into his driveway, where he began fixing it. At this point, ADP had been called and begged to come and get us. When she arrived, she was pretty much like: "The only thing you can do right now is laugh." I realized she was right, so that's what we did.
We got home very late and fell asleep around 3am after chatting in bed. We woke up around 11 and headed to downtown get brunch. We went to a quirky little deli and had "green eggs & ham" (her) and fat slices of French toast (me). As we were eating and chatting, we realized the staff of the restaurant were daring each other to do things. One server walked around the entire restaurant singing "Happy Birthday" in a monotone voice; another went to the corner and pretended to make out with someone. ADP and I are the queens of dares (I'll have to blog about it sometime), so she challenged me to ask our server: "Excuse me, but were the eggs in the French toast free-range eggs?" Very Portlandia.
After brunch, we spent the afternoon checking out millions of thrift shops. Around 5, we went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants here and had queso and margaritas. We spent Saturday night downtown listening to all the local bands playing in the music festival. In between bands, we took breaks for Pop Rocks martinis and happy-hour sushi.
The Pop Rocks martinis are a huge staple at the arcade-bar, but you have to do some snooping to find out about them. They were super tasty and fun.
Sunday morning we went out for coffee and got to do a little more catching up before ADP drove back.
Thank you so much for coming, A! Now it's my turn to come visit you!
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